Projects placed on hold & People we miss #2

Afro-Caribbean Project

During this time of uncertainty, we would like to make note of the projects that have had to be placed on hold and the people we miss.

By Aaron Schoburgh, Community Link Coordinator

During this time of uncertainty, we would like to make note of the projects that have had to be placed on hold and the people we miss.

Afro-Caribbean Project

ACP are a luncheon group that have been providing hearty Caribbean meals at the Queens Walk Community Centre for the past 30 years! The group is made up predominantly of West Indian elders based in the Meadows that have seen Nottingham grow over the past half a century.

The Group have been working with textiles artist Sabine Kaner over a few months to create an illustrative map of the city of Nottingham. The map contains spaces that the group feel hold significance to their lives as Caribbean Britons. Sites such as home, places of work, places of worship and even the pub will feature on the map.

This project was expected to come to an end in time for the second year of Windrush Day in July. The current climate unfortunately won’t allow for that but please do keep an eye out for the project’s celebration day sometime at the end of the year.

Other images > hjjkhjkhjk.png

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