RESIDE is a residency programme that invites artists and creative groups to take up residency at NAE where they can collaborate and connect with our wider community to generate inspiring ideas, develop new initiatives and nurture their practice. From August 2023 to April 2024, NAE will be hosting three residing artists or creative communities within the Mezzanine Gallery space.

Reside is NAE’s platform which supports the development of artists and creative communities with a socially engaged focus within their practice, working with any medium. Given NAE’s key mission, we are supporting artists and creative practitioners from the Global Ethnic Majority.

The artists and/or creative communities will have the space, time and resources to use the residency period as a time to explore, connect and co-create current/new work and projects with the support and mentoring of NAE. The residency will allow the artists and creative communities to engage with NAE’s audiences and wider community through public engagement activity of their choice and will have the opportunity be a part of NAE’s creative programme.

The residencies will make space for artists, curators, writers, activists, designers and all other practitioners seeking for an opportunity to nurture and develop their practice. We welcome applications from practitioners, that are not specifically related to art practices but engages within the art and culture sector as a tool within their work.

Applications for RESIDE have closed for this year. To hear about future NAE Open and Reside join the mailing list.

To stay in touch about the project please follow NAE’s social media and join our mailing list.